meta tactical affiliate registration

Thank you for your interest in joining the META Tactical Affiliate Program!

A member of our team will review your submission and respond with any questions.

Register as Affiliate


Your username.

Account Email

Your primary email, used for logging in.


Your primary password, used for logging in.

First Name

Your first name.

Last Name

Your last name.

Phone Number

How will you promote META Tactical?

Let us know a bit about yourself and how you plan on promoting our products. Please provide links to your Instagram, YoutTube, Facebook, TicTok, and any other relevant platforms!

How would you like to be paid?
Shipping Address

If you wish to receive a commission check by mail, please let us know your shipping address.

Payment Email (PayPal)

Your PayPal payment email, to which we will send commission payments. Can be the same as your account email.

Your account will need to be approved before you can earn Referrals. You'll receive an email once it's approved.